The aircraft carrier-like Apple Extended Keyboard II (long discontinued) is a classic remembered fondly by many.

Shown below, we lovingly referred to as the Aircraft Carrier Saratoga back in the day, because it looked kind of like an aircraft carrier. The Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard 4000’s key travel and bounce are reminiscent of that old Apple Extended Keyboard II.

I like it so much that I recently ordered two spares, just in case it goes out of production like my previous favorite, the Apple Extended Keyboard II (circa 1989). But I’m rough on keyboards and put a lot of miles on mine each year. I also like that the Microsoft keyboard is cheap you can pick one up at for around $40. I prefer it by a landslide over any Apple keyboard produced in the 21 st century, which feel squished and cramped and un-bouncy to my fingers. And the angle of the keyboard and spacing and size of its keys are the most comfortable I’ve ever found for my admittedly larger-than-average hands. It’s not even a Mac keyboard, but the key travel and bounce are superb. My current keyboard of choice is the Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard 4000, a relic I’ve relied upon for over a decade. My Third-Party Keyboard has Gigantic Keys

If you’re already a decent touch typist, you might want to try a third-party keyboard to see if it can improve your typing speed and/or accuracy even further. The result is that the keys bounce less and are easier to press by accident. In its quest to produce the thinnest notebook computers, Apple has made keyboards thinner and thinner today the keys travel a fraction of the distance they used to travel when pressed. I also type significantly faster on a third-party keyboard than on any keyboard Apple has made in the last decade… I Like Travel Last week I showed you how you could improve your typing skills for free at But that’s only half the story. Macintosh, back in1989, and I said them again in Working Smarter for Mac Users(shipping this Friday). Possibly the easiest way to get more done in less time is to become a better typist.” “If you’re not typing at least 40 words per minute, you’re wasting time.